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Re: Rene Howe and Sam Gargan

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:53 pm
by BartonRaz
Howe was different gravy tonight. Don't think he misplaced a pass once. He was starting for Gillingham every week at the back end of last season, we've simply got to sign him if we can.

Re: Rene Howe and Sam Gargan

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:56 pm
by Jemfy
I don't think Howe was as amazing as some are making out, but I'd be happy to have him. I wouldn't be hugely disappointed to lose out. There is the obvious issue of his wages.

Gargan was barely on the pitch for long, but I think he showed some good touches, if he's meant to be a target man then he's certainly comfortable with the ball at his feet too.

Re: Rene Howe and Sam Gargan

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:21 am
by mrhappy
Must have been watching a different match.
Howe was good at holding the ball up BUT was really slow and did not look like he would score.
I remain very unconvinced but we do need another striker.

Re: Rene Howe and Sam Gargan

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:35 am
by banner
Howe put in a great shift last night. Opportunities to sign a local lad, from bedford with the qualities he could add to the team (instead of another central midfielder for example) dont come along often.

In my opinion Justin must try and sign him.

Re: Rene Howe and Sam Gargan

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:47 am
by Biggles
Been down this road before havn't we, signing a so called big named striker who no doubt thinks highly of himself, puts themselves around on trial then signs and just takes his high wage and sits back and can't be bothered, sorry for being pessamistic but i have visions of Howe being a Clare.

Rather have the other type like the guy fron Sutton who wants to prove hinself and use us to better his career.

Re: Rene Howe and Sam Gargan

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:19 am
by Cotty
Howe looked very good last night. Forceful in attack and with a good eye for opportunities both for himself and other teammates. Linked up well with Tomlin. Let's hope they can build on this partnership - for Diamonds, not Peterborough! Gargan wasn't on long enough to judge but he did make one good forward run, although the resulting shot was a bit weak. As someone else also confirmed, Yoffe was released last week. I thought the whole team looked very assured and organised last night and at least we didn't add to our injury list. Roberts, Stuart, Corcoran, Day, Tomlin and Howe all played exceptionally well.

Re: Rene Howe and Sam Gargan

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:21 am
by banner
Howe is only 23 and has been used to playing league football for the past few seasons. I dont think any player likes dropping into the non-league.

I dont think a 23 year old who feels he has the ability to play at a higher level would want to just 'sit back' and accept a pay check. Im sure he would be looking to take rushden up or impress and make a move back into the league.

I dont think you can compare him to a 30 year daryl clare who made his name being a non-league mercenary. He undoubtably was looking to pick up a nice paycheck and happily see out the next few years in the non-league.

Re: Rene Howe and Sam Gargan

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:46 am
by Olly
He didn't do anything spectacular but I agree with everyone that Howe did look pretty decent, his control and first touch is superb and I think you only have to look at his record for the scum (25 goals in 40 games) and quite a decent goalscoring record on a couple of his loan spells at league clubs to see that he could be that striker we need.

But I agree with banner that from his perspective a move back to non league football is going to be a step backwards when he probably is capable of playing a level higher so not too sure we'll be able to sign him tbh.

Re: Rene Howe and Sam Gargan

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:45 am
by BartonRaz,19528, ... 27,00.html

This seems to be hinting we're not going to sign Howe. I look forward to seeing JE's post match comments to see if he can shed any light.

Re: Rene Howe and Sam Gargan

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:52 am
by Mad Dog
The thing is that Howe must some sort of interest or he wouldn't have come on trial. From his perspective he is dropping back into non league. But we've just come off the back of making the playoffs last year and have a fairly young squad. We're local to him as well, so we're ideal for him to either encourage a league side to come in for him down the line, or to get back into the league with us.

EDIT: ^^^That's interesting. That said, we've got him down as a trialist on the OS and we didn't give Gargan, who is available much time on the pitch.